Yataira, Takadanobaba (鷹流 高田馬場店)

鷹流 高田馬場店
I thought that the chicken ramen at this place was good but my friend told me this is much better.

鷹流 高田馬場店
I tried the chicken tsukemen recommended by my friend but the quantity was to large for me (at 260g)

鷹流 高田馬場店
The soup base was clear chicken soup with a thick layer of oil on top to ensure that the soup would remain hot. We can also request for some rice to be added in after you are done with your noodles so that you can finish up the soup. The flavor is definitely different from the milk white soup from Kageyama

鷹流 高田馬場店
All ladies and students who visit this store would receive this card that is printed like a monthly pass suica, that would allow you to get get serving of dessert, or extra rice.

鷹流 高田馬場店
Hair ties were also provided on the counter for ladies to tie up their hair. Nice boss!

Address:Yataira, Takadanobaba (鷹流 高田馬場店)東京都新宿区高田馬場4-17-17 高田馬場プリンスマンション 1F

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Beauty Box
    Aug 03, 2014 @ 10:30:34

    Hair ties to put up your hair – I think it’s a unique and thoughtful concept but in practice, I would feel a bit icky…even though it’s just a hair tie, I consider it a personal item….You don’t know whose hair it has been on!! Chicken tsukemen sounds so yummy… That’s one thing they do give big portions in Japan – ramen!! Plus RICE! Goodness….def suitable for hungry teenagers :p~

  2. Xuan-er
    Aug 03, 2014 @ 10:58:26

    @BB: I agree on the point that I won’t want to use it too cos it looks so oily and sticky too but it was a good gesture. Oh yes, the tsukemen was too much for me…..I could barely stuff everything down.

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