Tokyo, Japan – Day 10

It a day of relaxation for us after a hectic week. After a leisurely breakfast, I chilled with a cup of hot green tea where he goes back to work.

Xuan iphone
A quick 30 minutes lunch near the neighborhood opened by a elderly couple. Home style Japanese meal. I ordered the meat miso soup with an order of rice, look at how much tofu and pork they packed in that bowl.

It was raining cats and dogs that day in Tokyo (Thank god that the family left the day before, can’t imagine bringing all the baggage from the hotel to the station in the rain) but we still had to make our way to his co-worker’s second wedding party. In Japan, due to the higher cost for the formal wedding reception so usually only family, relatives, close friends and work supervisors are invited. Some couples would organize a second wedding party which also have the same program of march in, cake cutting, toasting and speech but at less formal set up and usually more casual as only friends are invited. (Causal in setting but everyone is still in formal wear and the ladies dressed to their nines.)

Instead of the gift money, guests would pay a door entrance usually 8000JPY for men and 7000JPY for ladies. (On the spot payment and change is actually given!) I felt that it was like paid tapas dinner with free flow of drinks where guests mingle.

As we didn’t get to eat much so we headed to my favorite seafood BBQ place near our place.

It was a heavy supper of BBQ seafood and sashimi

Not to forget! My favorite umi and fish roe sushi.


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