Howdy Adventures…..again.

welcome to usa
In case, you do not know…I am back in the US of A for an extended business trip.

welcome to austin
It had been 890 days since I last came to Austin, Texas and this would be where I would be calling home for the next 8 weeks. It was like walking back into my memories when I 1st arrived and took to the roads. Everything looked so familiar and yet so distant. But it would all work out considering that this is my 5th trip here.

driving everyday
So what I have been up to? Driving daily……i don’t get much chance to get behind the wheels but being back here I get to practice my driving…and drive a little faster than usual than back at home πŸ˜›

driving on the wide roads
it is sometime quite fun to drive here since the roads are wide and car-less at times. Though it get a little boring at times on long road trips and you just want to nod off to sleep.

Getting myself stuffed with cheese…chili con queso here are really awesome by the way πŸ™‚

feeding on unhealthy food
Not helping much when i get access to my favorite snacks here…..Oh no *staring at expanding waistline*

random antics on the road
The people who stand at the roadside asking for money is still about the same number of people but you do get interesting variations along the way. I am so glad that he is in this costume since the Spring weather is cooler. Although the temperature did go up to the 30C this past week.

getting artsy
Happened to be SXSW, a really big event here but it was so crowded so I just opted to go for the movies screen during the festival times.

hill country
The hill country area of Austin and the sun sets at 8pm now

taking photos whenever
Unfortunately, I haven’t have much time or opportunity to take photos yet…hopefully this would change in the next few weeks when I am making my road trips. (Not, not my dSLR) but this was taken with my GF2

shopping in austin
But I am definitely very much contributing to the USA consumers index. πŸ˜›

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