It is time to celebrate…four

Fosters English Rose Cafe, it has been some time since I went to this place. I never did lunch at this place ever so it was good to try it out. An interesting revelation I found out was the candle from the Starbucks Cafe I got as a gift….There was a “on/off” switch on it and I seriously thought when I turn it to on, the candle would burst into flame! However, a very loud “Happy Birthday” melody actually played.

eng food
A very oily asparagus and mushroom salad, totally oily… Shepard’s pie, a glass of hot latte and apple pie and a few hours of chat was a great time to pass the afternoon.

Ps never disappoint me
Dinner was back to PS Cafe with my favorite oysters drowned in wakame and thanks to our dear head chef, we got the freshest and biggest oysters…yum!! As usual, the food was great and we were bursting to the seams

another candle to blow
Thanks to Mr and Mrs P for the wonderful dinner and the really great banana chocolate cheese cake with lots of love and prezzies from them…. Thank you so much!